destiny evans

event communications coordinator

Destiny was born in Virginia and raised in Cleveland, OH where she currently lives. She attended The Ohio State University where she studied Strategic Communication and was a member of PRSSA. She has always had a love for the creativity and relationship building that comes with the public relations industry. Destiny worked with startups and local businesses assisting with high level marketing strategy and branding prior to cred.

candid questions with destiny:

What’s a fun fact about yourself?
My passion as an advocate for communities of color and their disproportionate food insecurities led me to create a business during the pandemic called Pressed Wellness. We help educate people on healthy eating and juiced recipes that help with allergies, high blood pressure, gut health and more!

What event would you like to check out?
Cannes Film Festival or Sundance, I love movies especially docs and anything A24.

Never have I ever:
Been skiing but I would love to try all the winter sports at least once.

It’s karaoke time! What song do you choose?
”Alien Superstar” - Beyonce

focus @ cred: Technology & Entertainment