Unlocking Location Data with Placekey


On the morning of October 7, cred joined the geospatial industry for the virtual public launch of Placekey, a free and open universal standard identifier for any physical place. Geographic information system (GIS) leaders from across industries came together to announce what Placekey is, how to work with it, and what it means for the industry. 

The 2-hour virtual launch hosted nearly 1,000 industry influencers, data companies, and software providers. The event kicked off with a warm welcome by Daniel O’Donohue, CEO of Mapscaping, and Jack Dangermond, CEO of Esri, who gave his insights on the future of GIS. Attendees were then formally introduced to Placekey in a three-part session discussing why Placekey has been willed into existence, how Placekey is distinct from other identifiers, the technical specs of the identifier, and a full demo of the new tool. 

If you missed the Placekey launch, visit the Placekey sessions and seminar page and join the Placekey Slack Community to share your favorite learnings. 

Interested in hosting a product launch in the digital space? Email us at events@credpr.com