lily roeller


Lily is a Associate at cred with previous experience in digital marketing and social media advertising, working with brands across multiple industries. She earned her Bachelor’s in Communication and Sociology from the University of Connecticut and her Master’s in Public Relations from Boston University. When she’s not in the office, you’ll find her watching a movie, listening to music, or walking with her dog, Bruno.

candid questions with lily:

What’s a fun fact about yourself?
I’m an amateur nail tech! I’ve been doing my own nails for years.

What event would you like to check out?
SXSW would be so much fun.

Never have I ever:
Been to Disney, but hopefully one day!

It’s karaoke time! What song do you choose?
Anything by Beyonce.

focus @ cred: Saas, FinTech,Entrepreneurship/Leadership, Women, Culture/HR, Marketing/Advertising, VC/Investing, AI, Blockchain/Crypto, Social Impact