5 Ways to Make Events More Sustainable

5 Ways to Make Events More Sustainable

In today's world, environmental consciousness is paramount. All industries should answer the call to action, and events are a great place to practice sustainable efforts. From conferences to festivals, there's a growing need to integrate sustainability into every aspect of event organization, and even the smallest details help make a difference. This post recaps five simple categories to focus on in your efforts to make events more sustainable.

Green & Red Flags: Event Team Q&A

Green & Red Flags: Event Team Q&A

With event season in full swing, we’re highlighting the speaker team and event team’s collaboration through Q&A. This will be a two-part feature, the first being the speaker team asking the events team hard hitting questions about how we decide which speakers to work with and best practices for content and preparation.

Event 101: Best Practices to Create a Winning Webinar

Event 101: Best Practices to Create a Winning Webinar

Over the last few years, webinars have become an increasingly important and a popular component of overall event and marketing strategies. With the ability to be cost-effective, highly interactive, and accessible to attendees, webinars offer companies an effective way to establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry and connect with their audiences in a meaningful way.

We share the best practices in order to keep attendees engaged and coming back for future events.

Event 101: Why Team Off-sites Are a Key Investment

Event 101: Why Team Off-sites Are a Key Investment

As the end of the year approaches, you’ve likely heard a lot of talk about people spending time at company off-sites. While off-sites could be considered a “break” in some ways, they are a deeply valuable way to bring teams, leaders, and entire companies together to build a vision for their goals and growth. No matter where an off-site takes place, they are a critical investment for a company.

Here are four key reasons why you should invest in the value your next off-site.

Event 101: The Ultimate Guide to Driving Audience Engagement 

Event 101: The Ultimate Guide to Driving Audience Engagement 

The creme de la creme of hosting a successful event is having an engaged audience—that can mean having ample audience feedback, or to have audience members engage with the content on social media. This is no small task, so we’re sharing our ultimate guide for boosting engagement—before, during, and after the event.

Event 101: Rethinking Webinars

Event 101: Rethinking Webinars

The event industry has undergone a major transformation over the past few years with the addition of completely virtual events, conferences, and webinars. These events have come a long way since 2019, but still have room for improvement. Companies around the world are constantly trying new tactics to keep attendees engaged and rethink what a webinar should look like. Among these strategies, we’ve honed in on four crucial elements.