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Speaking 101: cred’s Virtual Speaking Checklist

Speaking 101: cred’s Virtual Speaking Checklist

Back in March, at the start of this virtual event renaissance, we gave you the pro Tips to Be an Effective Virtual Speaker and followed up in June with the inside scoop on How to Lead an Engaging Session on the Virtual Stage.

Well, with seven months and hundreds of virtual events under our belt, we’ve compiled our lessons learned and best practices and are back with our most thorough guide yet: the Virtual Speaking Checklist.

The Unanticipated Benefits of Virtual Events: An Event Organizer's Perspective

The Unanticipated Benefits of Virtual Events: An Event Organizer's Perspective

Welcome to the sixth month of the virtual “new normal!” It almost seems as though years have passed since rumblings of a pandemic were circulating in early March, threatening to bring the events industry to a screeching halt. Optimism was shared through outlooks of “it will go back to normal next month,” or “don’t worry, they won’t cancel the event”—and now, these words cause us to shake our heads at the blissful ignorance our industry was once guilty of presenting.

Luckily, we’ve seen a quick pivot to virtual, and as we plan more and more virtual events, we’re seeing benefits that we never would have anticipated.

The State of the Event Industry 5 Months Into COVID-19

The State of the Event Industry 5 Months Into COVID-19

Change is life’s only certainty. This old adage rings more true in today’s times than ever before. And here at cred, we’ve been working hard to not only track these changes but also provide our partners and followers with the best strategies to tackle.

Our CEO, Caitlin provided some great insights into the conference industry in a blog post in May. Two months later, we’re sharing the latest finds based on our State of Events Survey, distributed to our community of 7,000+ leaders in communications, conference planning, and event marketing.

Speaking 101: How to Foster Networking at Your Virtual Event

Speaking 101: How to Foster Networking at Your Virtual Event

We know that content is key, but the meaningful connections that attendees walk away with are the ultimate key to your event’s success. Of attendees polled at Bizzabo’s (Almost) In-Person conference, 41% of attendees reported that networking is the in-person aspect most difficult to adapt to virtual events.

While we agree this is a significant challenge, impactful virtual networking is possible. With technologies evolving to cater to the virtual experience, we’re sharing five tools and strategies to foster networking at your next virtual event!

Event 101: How to Host an Effective Virtual Event

Event 101: How to Host an Effective Virtual Event

Though social distancing has us temporarily apart, virtual events are filling an important niche for thought leadership and community building, and are now undeniably an integral component of the current and future events scene.

We’ve shared ways to build the basic infrastructure of your virtual event—from making game-time decisions about the future of your event to choosing the best platform and equipment—and are now here to share some of the nitty gritty mechanics. Here are our top tips for creating virtual environments that inspire your attendees, speakers, and partners while also meeting your own organization’s KPIs.

COVID-19 and the State of Events: cred’s Resources for Speakers and Event Organizers

COVID-19 and the State of Events: cred’s Resources for Speakers and Event Organizers

Over the past month, the events industry has changed drastically: in-person events are put on hold, and events large and small are moving online. This means changes for speakers, event organizers, and event attendees.

These are uncertain times, but our team is certain of one thing: while we’re looking forward to the return of live events, this shift to digital opens up a whole new world of opportunity for online events and virtual thought leadership.

Event 101: Our Top Software Picks for Virtual Events

Event 101: Our Top Software Picks for Virtual Events

It’s no secret that we are living in an unprecedented time, and the impact has been felt in one way or another across industries. As we adapt, we find ourselves looking for a way to maintain a sense of normalcy. Since the spring season is a prime time to host an event, one way we’ve been able to establish a new normal is bringing events to life—with a virtual twist.

Speaking 101: How to Create a Visually Engaging Presentation

Speaking 101: How to Create a Visually Engaging Presentation

Preparing for an event comes with a long checklist of tasks, and creating a visually engaging presentation can often be a stressful one. Catching your audiences’ eye is one obstacle, but keeping it is another. Having a visually engaging presentation is an easy way to help your audience absorb and retain the information you will be speaking about.